Source code for maddux.robots.predefined_robots

from link import Link
from arm import Arm
import numpy as np

[docs]def simple_human_arm(seg1_len, seg2_len, q0, base=None): """Creates a simple human-like robotic arm with 7 links and 2 segments with the desired lengths and starting joint configuration :param seg1_len: The length of the first segment of the arm :type seg1_len: int :param seg2_len: The length of the second segment of the arm :type seg2_len: int :param q0: 1xN vector of the starting joint configuration :type q0: numpy.ndarray :param base: (Optional) (x, y, z) location of arm base :type base: numpy.ndarray or None :returns: 7 link, 2 segment "human" arm. :rtype: maddux.robot.Arm """ L1 = Link(0, 0, 0, 1.571) L2 = Link(0, 0, 0, -1.571) L3 = Link(0, seg1_len, 0, -1.571) L4 = Link(0, 0, seg2_len, -1.571) L5 = Link(0, 0, 0, 1.571) L6 = Link(0, 0, 0, 1.571) L7 = Link(0, 0, 0, 0) links = np.array([L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7]) robot = Arm(links, q0, 'simple_human_arm', 4, base) return robot
[docs]def noodle_arm(seg_lens, q0, base=None): """Creates a complex arm with 10 segments :param seg_lens: 1x10 vector of lengths of each sement :type seg_lens: numpy.ndarray :param q0: 1xN vector of the starting joint configuration :type q0: numpy.ndarray :param base: (Optional) optional (x, y, z) base location of arm :type base: numpy.ndarray or None :returns: "Noodle" arm :rtype: maddux.robot.Arm """ L1 = Link(0, seg_lens[0], 0, 1.571) L2 = Link(0, seg_lens[1], 0, -1.571) L3 = Link(0, seg_lens[2], 0, -1.571) L4 = Link(0, seg_lens[3], 0, 1.571) L5 = Link(0, seg_lens[4], 0, 1.571) L6 = Link(0, seg_lens[5], 0, -1.571) L7 = Link(0, seg_lens[6], 0, 1.571) L8 = Link(0, seg_lens[7], 0, 1.571) L9 = Link(0, seg_lens[8], 0, -1.571) L10 = Link(0, seg_lens[9], 0, 1.571) links = np.array([L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8, L9, L10]) robot = Arm(links, q0, 'noodle_arm', 10, base) return robot