Source code for maddux.robots.arm

A robot arm defined by a sequence of DH links
import numpy as np
import utils

[docs]class Arm: # TODO: Do something about active_links, its real bad... # TODO: Make sure the tool frame works def __init__(self, links, q0, name, active_links=None, base=None, tool=None): """A robotic arm. :param links: 1xN Vector of Link objects :type links: numpy.ndarray :param q0: 1xN vector of default (resting state) joint configurations :type q0: numpy.ndarray :param name: Name of the arm :type name: str :param active_links: Number of active links on the arm (Defaults to all) :type active_links: int or None :param base: Base position (x, y, z) of the arm in (x,y,z) cords :type base: numpy.ndarray or None :param tool: Tool location in (z,y,z) cords :type tool: numpy.ndarray or None :rtype: None """ self.num_links = links.size self.links = links self.q0 = q0 = name if active_links is None: self.active_links = len(links) else: self.active_links = active_links # TODO: Make base and tool 4x4 homogeneous transforms # otherwise we can't specify rotation ever if base is None: self.base = np.identity(4) else: self.base = utils.create_homogeneous_transform_from_point(base) if tool is None: self.tool = np.identity(4) else: self.tool = utils.create_homogeneous_transform_from_point(tool) # Create empty list of held objects self.held_objects = [] # A cache of all past q values for a run of ikine so we # can animate the action self.qs = np.array([q0.copy()]) # Set the arm to its default position self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): """Resets the arm back to its resting state, i.e. q0 :rtype: None """ self.update_angles(self.q0)
[docs] def get_current_joint_config(self): """Gets the current joint configuration from the links :returns: 1xN vector of current joint config :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ q = np.zeros(self.num_links) for i, link in enumerate(self.links): q[i] = link.theta return q
[docs] def update_angles(self, new_angles, save=False): """Updates all the link's angles :param new_angles: 1xN vector of new link angles :type new_angles: numpy.ndarray :param save: Flag that determines if the update is cached :param save: bool :rtype: None """ for link, new_theta in zip(self.links, new_angles): link.set_theta(new_theta) self.update_link_positions() if save: q = np.array([l.theta for l in self.links]) self.qs = np.vstack((self.qs, q.copy()))
# TODO: Acceleration over time seems like a weird way to update this
[docs] def end_effector_position(self, q=None): """Return end effector position :param q: Config to compute the end effector position for a given 1xN q vector :type q: numpy.ndarray or None :returns: Position (x, y, z) of end effector :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ if q is None: return self.links[-1].end_pos t = self.fkine(q=q) end_pos = utils.create_point_from_homogeneous_transform(t).T return end_pos
[docs] def end_effector_velocity(self): """Calculate the end effector velocity of the arm given its current angular velocities. :returns: Returns linear and angular velocity in each dimension (vx, vy, vz, wx, wy, wz). :rtype: np.ndarray """ q = np.array([link.theta for link in self.links]) dq = np.array([link.velocity for link in self.links]) velocity = self.jacob0(q) * np.asmatrix(dq).T return velocity.A1
[docs] def fkine(self, q=None, links=None): """Computes the forward kinematics of the arm using the current joint configuration or a given joint configuration :param q: (Optional) 1xN vector of joint configuration to compute the FK on :type q: numpy.ndarray or None :param links: (Optional) Specify which links to run fkine on. for example: links=[1,2,3]. :type links: int or None :returns: Homogenous coordinates of point at the end of either the specified list of links, or the end effector :rtype: 4x4 numpy.array """ if links is None: links = range(self.num_links) t = self.base for i, link in zip(links, self.links): if np.any(q): t = t * link.compute_transformation_matrix(q[i]) else: t = t * link.transform_matrix t = t * self.tool return t
[docs] def ikine(self, p, num_iterations=1000, alpha=0.1): """Computes the inverse kinematics to find the correct joint configuration to reach a given point :param p: The point (x, y, z) to solve the inverse kinematics for :type p: numpy.ndarray :param num_iterations: The number of iterations to try before giving up :type num_iterations: int :param alpha: The stepsize for the ikine solver (0.0 - 1.0) :type alpha: int :returns: 1xN vector of the joint configuration for given point p. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ # Check to make sure alpha is between 0 and 1 if not (0.0 <= alpha <= 1.0): print "Invalid alpha. Defaulting to 0.1" alpha = 0.1 q = self.get_current_joint_config() self.qs = np.array([q.copy()]) goal = utils.create_homogeneous_transform_from_point(p) for i in xrange(num_iterations): # Calculate position error of the end effector curr = self.fkine(q) err = goal - curr # Convert error from homogeneous to xyz space err = utils.create_point_from_homogeneous_transform(err) # Get the psudoinverse of the Jacobian J = self.jacob0(q) vel_J = J[0:3, :] # Increment q a tiny bit delta_q = np.linalg.pinv(vel_J) * err delta_q = np.squeeze(np.asarray(delta_q)) q = q + (alpha * delta_q.flatten()) self.qs = np.vstack((self.qs, q.copy())) if abs(np.linalg.norm(err)) <= 1e-6: return q raise ValueError("Could not find solution.")
[docs] def jacob0(self, q=None): """Calculates the jacobian in the world frame by finding it in the tool frame and then converting to the world frame. :param q: (Optional) 1xN joint configuration to compute the jacobian on :type q: numpy.ndarray :returns: 6xN Jacobian in the world frame :rtype: numpy.matrix """ # Get the tool frame jacobian J = self.jacobn(q) # Set up homogeneous transform matrix for the world eet = self.fkine(q) rotation = utils.get_rotation_from_homogeneous_transform(eet) zeros = np.zeros((3, 3)) a1 = np.hstack((rotation, zeros)) a2 = np.hstack((zeros, rotation)) # Convert to world frame J = np.vstack((a1, a2)) * J return J
[docs] def jacobn(self, q=None): """Calculates the jacobian in the tool frame :param q: (Optional) 1xN joint configuration to compute the jacobian on :type q: 1xN numpy.ndarray :returns: 6xN Jacobian in the tool frame :rtype: numpy.matrix """ J = np.zeros((6, self.num_links)) U = self.tool I = range(self.num_links - 1, -1, -1) for i, link in zip(I, self.links[::-1]): if np.any(q): U = link.compute_transformation_matrix(q[i]) * U else: U = link.transform_matrix * U d = np.array([-U[0, 0] * U[1, 3] + U[1, 0] * U[0, 3], -U[0, 1] * U[1, 3] + U[1, 1] * U[0, 3], -U[0, 2] * U[1, 3] + U[1, 2] * U[0, 3]]) delta = U[2, 0:3] J[:, i] = np.vstack((d, delta)).flatten() return J
[docs] def hold(self, obj): """Hold a specific object :param obj: Object to be held :type obj: maddux.objects.DynamicObject :rtype: None """ obj.attach() obj.position = self.end_effector_position() self.held_objects.append(obj)
[docs] def release(self, object_idx=None): """Release one or all currently held objects :param object_idx: (Optional) index of object to release :type object_idx = int or None :rtype: None """ velocity = self.end_effector_velocity()[0:3] if object_idx is None: # Release all objects for obj in self.held_objects: obj.throw(velocity) else: # TODO: Replease with End Effector Velocity self.held_objects[object_idx].throw(velocity)
# TODO: Let env_object be any object, not just static
[docs] def is_in_collision(self, env_object): """Checks if the arm is in collision with a given object :param env_object: The object to check for collisions with :type env_object: maddux.Objects.StaticObject :returns: Whether you hit the env_object :rtype: bool """ for link in self.links: if link.is_in_collision(env_object): return True return False
[docs] def plot(self, ax): """Plot our robot into given axes :param ax: axes of plot :type ax: matplotlib.axes :rtype: None """ for link in self.links: link.plot(ax)
[docs] def save_path(self, filename): """Save the current path to a file :param filename: Filename to save joint config path :type filename: str """ if len(self.qs) == 0: print "No path to save", self.qs)