Source code for

A stationary object that something may collide with.
from static import StaticObject
import numpy as np

HIT_ERROR = 0.01

[docs]class Target(StaticObject): def __init__(self, position, radius): """ Target Init :param position: Position of center :type position: 1x3 numpy.ndarray :param radius: radius of target :type radius: int :rtype: None """ self.position = np.array(position) self.radius = radius = True
[docs] def is_hit(self, position): """Check if the target is hit. :param position: A object's position :type position: numpy.array :rtype: Boolean """ diff = np.absolute(position - self.position) x_hit = diff[0] <= self.radius y_hit = diff[1] <= HIT_ERROR z_hit = diff[2] <= self.radius return x_hit and y_hit and z_hit
[docs] def display(self): """ Display target properties :rtpye: None """ print "Position: {}".format(self.position) print "Radius: {}".format(self.radius)
[docs] def plot_data(self): """ Gets the plot data at the targets location :rtype: 3-tuple of integers """ u = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100) v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100) x = (2 * self.radius * np.outer(np.cos(u), np.sin(v)) + self.position[0]) y = self.position[1] z = (2 * self.radius * np.outer(np.ones(np.size(u)), np.cos(v)) + self.position[2]) return (x, y, z)
[docs] def plot(self, ax): """ Plots the target at its location. :param ax: Figure to plot on. :type ax: matplotlib figure :rtype: matplotlib figure """ x, y, z = self.plot_data() return ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, color='b', linewidth=0, alpha=0.25)