Shirts - Made-to-Measure
Style and Quality - choice of the champion
Launching the Sportsmen Clothing Co. Made-to-measure. Offering two distinctive styles, the casual button down-shirt and the more formal cutaway shirt. Made in Portugal. Fill your shirt needs with The Sportsmen Clothing Co.
We made it easy! Buy online, pick the fabric and book a time for measurements!
Starting from 159€/189€
Delivery time 4 weeks

smart and casual shirting from
Perfect dress shirt crafted from the finest materials. Caine Clothiers.
Wide in-house fabric collection with your basic needs up to high quality cloths by Albini and Testa. Made in the Orient.
Starting from 189€
Delivery time 4 weeks.

Italian shirtmaking tradition
Founded in 1960, Mazzarelli shows their decades of experience through immaculate finishing, superior fit and elegant styles. Next level of quality with sleeves set-in by hand and hand stitched details.
Great selection of in-house fabrics by Albini, Albiate and Thomas Mason for faster deliveries. Endless possibilities with cut length fabrics.
Starting from 299€
Delivery time 4-6 weeks.

completely hand sewn
Name of the company comes from the hand pairs of the fifty skilled artisans working in the Atelier of 100 Hands. Every shirt is thoroughly sewn by hand which is a meticulous approach to shirtmaking, not only time consuming but also the requirements of the artisan is much higher. It takes approximately 18 hours to complete a 100 Hands shirt, which is a significantly more time consuming compared to the three hours that it takes to complete a shirt by the industrial strandards. Should you require something throroughly handmade with every stitch by hand - your obvious choice is 100 Hands.
Starting from 359€
Delivery time 4-8 weeks
Choose the fabric of your liking from our wonderful selection of cloths from the world's finest mills. Our selection includes the likes of Thomas Mason, Albini, Albiate and David John Anderson.